Everything you need to know to be a Disney boss!

Yeah, we all think we know Disney. But there are lots of folks out there who have made careers out of being on top of things. Let’s hang out with them. But, beyond that, what does it even mean to be Disney obsessed? You with me on this?

Who's the leader of the band ...

No more FOLO

Know it all

I know I’m not talking to some rookie here. You are a Disney expert, for crying out loud. And yet … and yet … there are times when you wonder “what does all this even mean? Why does Bob Chapek make the calls he does? Where is Disney even going?” So, part of my responsibility is to curate all these random stories and musings from all across cyberspace and get them in a form you can access and share. Most of what I’ll provide is park specific, but I’ll address some general Disney news, too. Disney’s ecosystem is such that a move in one segment of the company impacts it all. We’ll sort all that out together.

Do it all

You think you’re armed with all the information you need to execute the definitive Disney trip? I bet you know a lot. Plenty of folks do. And I’m pretty much on top of things myself. Still, I operate under the assumption that all of us are smarter than one of us, and if I can share some resources with you, and you offer what insights you have on the theme parks, well, we can all have some real fun together. As you know, there is an insane amount of things to do at Disney, and unless you have unlimited time and resources, you have to be selective. I sat next to a lady and her young daughter on a plane a while back, and she shared with me that she’d bought a 1-day hopper with the intent of visiting all four Walt Disney World theme parks in a day. That’s, uh, ambitious. This was pre-COVID, too.

Spend it all

I tell people that when you’re able to flush a $100 bill down the toilet without flinching, you’re ready to have a Disney vacation. That’s barely even a joke. So, another goal I’d have is to share with you how you can get the absolute best bang for your buck while navigating the magical sprawl that is a Disney theme park. Here’s a place we can really help each other out. I’d hate for you to have to take out a second mortgage just to spend some time with The Mouse.

You KNOW that you want all my wisdom!

That might be a bogus statement – what is wisdom, anyway? I’d hope that after a whole lot of visits to Disney since my first trip in 1972 I might’ve picked up on a thing or two along the way. I’ll be happy to share with you – what would be practical, workable, and magical hints and strategies to help you embrace the Mouse.

Feeling just a tiny bit of overwhelm? I feel ya.

  • Is there way too much these days for you to wrap your head around? Is planning a Disney trip akin to planning the D-Day landing at Normandy? You think I’m kidding?
  • We had FastPass. It went away, and I kinda liked it. Now it’s all Genie, and Genie+, and Lightning Lanes. And they’re charging me for it! Outrage? And how does it even work?
  • What do you mean I have to let Disney know in advance what park I want to visit? And I hear the crowds are atrocious year round now. How do I manage that?
  • Where’s the Dining Plans? That sure made things convenient. Now I have to order Counter Service from my phone, in advance? What if I don’t want to bury my face in a screen while I’m on vacation?
  • It looks like restaurants and attractions are randomly opening and closing. What a hassle!
  • I mean … is it even worth trying to visit Disney now? (Spoiler: Yes, it is.)

Behold ... The Disney Philosopher!

Why The Disney Philosopher? That’s a fair question.

I’m Tony Martin. You can read about me personally on the About page – or not, because that feels sort of pompous of me.

Fact is, we’re a lot alike. We have a love for Disney. Some people call it an obsession, and I’m fine with that.

But The Disney Philosopher is intended to fill a niche I haven’t seen filled anywhere else.

Here’s my rationale, and if you’ve read this far, you might as well keep reading.

There are a couple gazillion websites, podcasts, subscription services that cover all things Disney. It can be overwhelming.
I found myself wishing, gee, I wish there were somewhere I could just get the Greatest Hits version. Rather than plowing through a multitude of sites, I just want simple, concise synopses of what’s out there, and I can go in depth on the ones that intrigue me.

Beyond that – and, granted, this is vague – sometimes I wonder: “This Disney obsession – what does it even mean? Why is this such a thing for me?”

To that point, above – I just wonder if there are like-minded people out there (you?) who let Disney take up way too much head space (others would say.) Where can we congregate safely without scorn? And – more importantly – can we swap thoughts, ideas, strategies? I want this to be a fun, enlightening place for all.

I intend to blog weekly, and throw in some other goodies as the site grows.

Finally, you need to know that I am also a travel agent specializing in Disney. You may not know me (yet), but understand – this is not me hustling you and trying to get you as a client. At its heart, The Disney Philosopher is designed to entertain and inform. That’s my primary intent. Still, I’ve been putting together Disney trips for folks since high school (seriously!)

Following up on that – I’ll just bet that you’ve done Disney without help from a travel professional. This is the era of DIY, right? But guess what – if you’re so inclined, you can do all your own bookings and plannings, and I can STILL come alongside you and give you my expertise. I’m pretty good at what I do (shameless promotion there!) And it costs zero. Nothing. Nada. My services are free. Free’s good, right? But I’m telling ya – that’s not my primary intent …
… although if I can get enough income from this side hustle to help pay for our family’s personal Disney trips, then I’m good with that!

That’s why I’m pretty pumped about what I’m attempting. At this writing, I have no idea how this will be received. Some folks will see this as a cash grab. Others will see, as they engage, that they are not alone in their passions for Disney. That’s my target audience right there.

I will focus on the United States theme parks, and will sometimes talk about other Disneyfied things. We’ll see. I have some goals, but I’m pretty quick to monitor and adjust.

Make sense?

Talk later! And puh-leeze, reach out anytime. I tend to answer emails. Imagine that.

Fairytale Journeys by Tony Martin

And finally. With all this talk of insider scoops, intellectual ponderings, and general obsessing – what do you want to do with all this information? Is this just a head exercise, or do you want to take some action – as in a vacation? Armed with the proper knowledge, having your obsessions verified, and knowing I’ve got your back, it’s time to hit the road. Deeds, not words!

Click that button below and you’ll see what I mean. No gimmicks, no obligations. I pinky promise.

Pack your bags.